Can your child really read? Or is your child simply guessing what words are on the page? There’s an easy way to find out. Just print out this Reading Competency Test from the National Right to Read Foundation:
To administer the test, print out two copies. Give one copy to the child, and have the child read each sentence. On your copy, make a check mark each time the child skips a word, substitutes a different word (even if it means the same thing), inserts an unrelated word, or mispronounces a word (remove the check mark if the child corrects the mispronunciation).
This test helps you figure out whether your child is really reading or is just guessing. There’s no picture of an angry red chicken to enable the child to guess what “The big red hen is mad” is supposed to mean. Unfortunately, many of our primary school teachers have actually been trained to teach children to look for clues of that kind instead of teaching children to sound out the words. How do those teachers expect children to comprehend what they read if the children can’t identify which words were actually written? As soon as those children start having to read real textbooks, instead of lavishly illustrated storybooks, they’ll be in big trouble.
According to the National Right to Read Foundation, a student who has completed second grade but cannot read all of the sentences in Part I with one check mark or less in each group needs to study phonics. Likewise, any child who cannot read independently at grade level needs to study phonics. I would also add that any children who are having trouble reading should also have their hearing and vision tested.
When children study phonics, they are specifically taught how the letters of the alphabet are used to represent sounds in words. Unless they understand phonics, they will have a lot of trouble in reading any alphabetic language. In 1998, the National Academy of Sciences published a report titled Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children. Its main conclusion was that “Adequate progress in learning to read English (or any alphabetic language) beyond the initial level depends on having a working understanding of how sounds are represented alphabetically.”
I teach high school English, 10th grade to be precise. Yesterday we concluded the hell we all know as the “Exit Exam.” For 6 years and almost exclusively the past 6 month I have been teaching students how to pass this crazy exit exam. My stress level is very high and the student’s stress reaches this same place the week before the test. Many have anxiety so great they cannot sleep. This problem relates to your article, in fact, your article points to the main cause as why this exam was created.
It is quite out of control now, with entire schools dependant on the exit exam score for funding, the problem has gone from one of reading toa national obsession (in education) with work skill readiness hinging upon this test.
I am unable in this short amount of space and time to relate all the real world harm and complications students and their teachers face every day because some jealous, eogtistic, greedy, pompous psychologist 100 years ago decided to throw out phonics and put in place their own failed way to teach reading.
Thank you for your article. I have been asking my administration to address the phonics problem in elementary schools for 6 years, and they only laugh at me. Education is in a sad state, and I am afraid I may be a relic with limited time left in the field.
Hold to the truth. You are right!